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Tortugas Comeback! You Can Help
Grupo Ecologico Manos Unidos Por Litibu A.C.
Tortugueros y el Campamento Tortuguero
(Turtle Workers and the Turtle Camp)
It has been a while since we have talked turtle talk, but I thought since it is the height of the turtle season and because many of you will be returning soon for the high season, it would be a good time to summarize the last few months and report on what is going on this season.
Some of you might not know that we had our turtle benefit last April and thanks to the generosity of many of you, we raised close to $3000.00USD.
Funds have been used for turtle camp start-up fees, such as registration and identification with SEMARNAT (Secretaria del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales aka Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources), supplies for the turtle corral in Litibu, program brochures, administration, and office supplies, and environmental protection signs that many of you might have seen on or near our beaches. A good part of the money went to purchase a used ATV (Moto) as planned.
The used Moto turned out to have problems so the A.C. traded it in for a better used vehicle and someone gave Gilberto money for 2 new beach tires.
An Unexpected Gift:
Thanks to Camille Waters who because of her very famous role in Houston’s Farmers Market movement, as well as
having a very famous organic vegetable business, the Food Editor of the Houston Chronicle came and interviewed her upon her retirement. Well you might ask, what does this all have to do with turtles? Well she was interested in what is going on in the area, and Camille suggested she might be interested in our turtle project. Fortunately as a result, this person also interviewed Gilberto from Litibu and Susan from Playa Careyeros and later did an article on our very own Litibu Turtle Project. See attached. However good things didn’t end there. As a result of this article, the Sun Hill Foundation on the east coast contacted and interviewed Susan and Jamie and encouraged us to apply for a small family grant from the Foundation. Jamie and Susan and David Christiano (a frequent visitor and long time Playa Careyeros turtle lover) met over Labor Day in the U.S. and we sent off a project proposal for $5,000 USD in mid- September. Lo and behold, we got it! The Foundation was impressed with the work underway. Jamie also sent them a couple of turtle dvds that demonstrate the work done by the Tortugueros. A list of needed items, supplies, materials, and general expenses has been generated for the application of those funds. Items to be funded include moto parts, accessories, gas, and annual maintenance service, night vision monocular, digital camera, batteries, Motorola radios, turtle corral infrastructure construction supplies and materials,
rain gear, etc.
Current News:
Gilberto and Ruben report that this year’s returning turtle population has increased and all of our turtle team are very excited, because to them this is clearly a result of all the volunteer work they have been doing for the last 8-10 years…This is the first year for some of the female turtles to come ashore to their natal beaches and “desovar” or lay eggs. So far this season we have 52 nests with more than 15,200 eggs in the corral this season so far, with much of the turtle season to go………..The projection is many more eggs and released babies this year. YEAH!!!
One major problem has arisen however. Besides the ongoing issue of beach poachers continuing to opportunistically steal nests full of eggs (the Tortugueros are not able to be at all locations all of the time unfortunately), there has been at least one robbery of two nests from the corral itself in Litibu. The eggs were already incubating so the attempted theft resulted in turtle mortality. This is egregious and a serious violation of the law as it translates to a 100 percent loss of those two nests after the hard work of collecting eggs. As a result, the group has decided to hire a trusted amigo and long time associate of the A.C. by the name of Pedro Orozco (a retired school teacher who lives in Puerto Vallarta) to come out to assist Gilberto in the turtle work and to guard the corral at night, sharing Gilberto’s facility as well as his food. Preventing thefts is the highest of priorities for the Tortugueros. We propose to pay Pedro 3000 pesos per month ($275.00) and Gilberto 1000 pesos per month to help with the food and lodging of Pedro. Gilberto will continue to volunteer his efforts. This arrangement seems to be the best and fairest solution for now. We will keep you posted.
Future needs:
The turtle group continues to look for volunteers to help during the night (10:00 pm to 6:00 am) with turtle tracking and collecting the eggs. So if any of you know any potential prospects this year or next, primarily during the months of August through December, please let us know. Gilberto feels strongly about having a volunteer commitment of one month at a minimum. Due to the nocturnal hours, strenuous physical nature of the work and the technical training required, a one-month stint by a volunteer would assist him the most. This could be a great project for a biology or veterinarian student, or interested teachers etc. People pay thousands to do this with organized groups like UC Research Expeditions, Earthwatch, etc. The people will be trained and they only have to pay for their own food, 500 or so pesos to Gilberto to cover lodging and facility use and whatever their incidentals, as well as plane fare. Interested persons can probably apply for independent study credit with their schools, or teachers can get continuing education credit, for their participation, and this is only the tip of the iceberg as to the benefits of doing Tortuguero work. So spread the word and have interested people please contact us…………
We will probably be releasing baby turtles through December, so if any of you want to be involved during that time, or want your guests to be involved, just contact us. Perhaps you can include a turtle baby release with your visitors, if this can be incorporated into the Tortugueros schedule. Many people would love to release those cute baby turtles and take wonderful photos at the same time. A Great Mexican Adventure…Donations would be acceptable and helpful on these occasions. If a tax –deductible receipt is required, donations can be made to PEACE Mexico at www.peacemexico.org. If not, Ruben can provide a record slip documenting the contribution.
Don’t forget to call Gilberto Galinda Castro at 329-298-4130 if you see any turtles or nests.
Yours Till all the turtles are saved!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan Drexler
Playa Careyeros